Monday, November 21, 2011

This little bean is kicking my a**

So some days I don't feel different at all. Some days. Most days I'm nauseous and really tired at the end of the night but otherwise that's it, life as usual. But some days I'm very aware that my body is being taken over and sucked dry.

Last week was a rough one. I worked 54 hours. Which is no big deal, I usually work 60-70 during the season. But Wed I worked 13 hours and Thurs I worked 14 hours and by Friday I felt dead on my feet. I had a horrible headache, was exhausted, and still had a full weekend ahead of me with my grandma's 75th birthday party all the whole fam damily in town to celebrate. I ended up missing part of her party to take a nap because I was so worn out and went into work late today because I just didn't get enough sleep all week or weekend. What is this crap?!??!?!!?!? Sure the hours I work are exhausting but I've been working them for years and never had it affect me this much. Apparently those days are over. Luckily my boss is great and when I went to talk to him today about it he had already figured it out and taken me off a bunch of shifts.

I guess it was just sort of a wake up call. I've spent the last 7 weeks trying to wrap my head around being pregnant and having a baby but other than going to bed a lot earlier not much had really changed physically. I'm not showing yet and don't actually look pregnant so it was easy to sort of act like nothing was different. But now I have to accept that things are really changing and it isn't just all in my head anymore.

On that note, if I slow down and actually pay attention to my body, I've realized that it has changed. My clothes feel tighter (although my "fat" clothes are still too big, thank goodness!) and my lower back pain is a little different than normal - of course that could be because my boobs are now a size G. Yes, lucky me, I've already gone up a cup size and had to get new bras. Over the last few days I've also started to feel a weight in my abdomen that I think could be the baby. Either that or I really have to poop... But honestly, I think it is the baby. It's small but it doesn't come and go and it seems to be in the right general area. I hope it's the bean!

We still call it a bean, even though now is is supposed to be the size of a lime. I think it's so funny that they always compare the progress of babies growth to fruits.

1 comment:

  1. OOH, I love this part!! i love hearing what you are craving and going through! much of it I can compare to my pregnancy, but it is always different!! Though it can be miserable, enjoy it. It is a blessing! I'm so happy for you and Mike!
