Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hello maternity clothes, goodbye sense of style

I caved and bought maternity pants last night. My normal pants won't button anymore and the Bella band works ok but I still feel like my pants might fall off at any minute. Especially when I'm speedwalking around the arena on game days. I have to say that I'm very disappointed in the maternity clothes at Target and Kohls; I was hoping to avoid spending a fortune at the maternity stores in the mall but I may have no choice. So I've got one pair of work pants and I figure I can get away with wearing then twice a week and rotating in leggings and maxi dresses. I winder if I could get away with yoga pants?


  1. You look so awesome!! LOVE the top! I pretty much lived in my yoga pants, right up until I gave birth. LOVE, love, love the bump!! :-)

  2. Awe, thank you! I feel a bit like a cow but it is just an adjustment - I'm sure my next post will address it LOL Yoga pants probably aren't considered business casual but we are allowed to wear leggings thank goodness!
